
The PatientRightNow is an Anytime, Anywhere Mobile Electronic Health Data that allows clinicians to access in real time, relevant clinical patient information.



  The PatientRightNow is an Anytime, Anywhere Mobile Electronic Health Data that allows clinicians to access in real time, relevant clinical patient information.

Benefits for your Organization:

- Reason for Hospitalization (MI);
- Clinical History;
- Diagnostics (iCDX);
- Provisions of medicines and tests (Rx);
- Results of Laboratory (Lab);
- Reviews - including the clinical Journal (Plan) Brief Notes and Re- conference Internal medicine.

Our commitment:

Help Institutions to elevate the maturity of EMR adoption Model.



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The PatientRightNow is an Anytime, Anywhere Mobile Electronic Health Data that allows clinicians to access in real time, relevant clinical patient information.

Benefits for your Organization:

- Reason for Hospitalization (MI);
- Clinical History;
- Diagnostics (iCDX);
- Provisions of medicines and tests (Rx);
- Results of Laboratory (Lab);
- Reviews - including the clinical Journal (Plan) Brief Notes and Re- conference Internal medicine.

Our commitment:

Help Institutions to elevate the maturity of EMR adoption Model.



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